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How Far Away Should You Be From Your Red Light Panel? A History Lesson.
How far away should I be from my red light therapy panel? This blog we dive into one of the most common questions around the red light panel industry, how far away should you be from your light panel?! Most companies talk about being 6 inches away from their panel. But more recently some companies say 4 inches, others use narrow beam angles and might say 12 inches. When Dr. Hamblin was asked "How close do you want to stand or be near one of these devices?" His answer would surprise most people who have been brainwashed by the current...
What are the Actual Watts of my LEDs in my Red Light Therapy Panel?
Confused by the extravagantly high wattage of LED Panel claims? Or maybe someone is trying to tell you that they have "superior" 5 Watt LED bulbs compared to standard 3 Watt bulbs? Check out this post where we deconstruct and measure the ACTUAL LED watts, and we aren't particularly impressed with the result.
Alibaba Red Light Therapy Panel Review - SAIDI Light
Can you find a high-quality red light panel on Alibaba? We have been searching high-and low, and are constantly disappointed with quality. This light panel shows some promise by being low flicker and low EMF!
Keeping Cool with Red Light Therapy: Why We Don’t Mix Light and Heat
Is it beneficial to mix heat and light? Can we improve the safety and effectiveness of Photobiomodulation by keeping the tissue cool? We explore how it could be advantageous to avoid too much tissue heating during photobiomodulation. And in fact cooling the tissue beforehand can improve penetration and effectiveness!
Red and Near Infrared Light and Eye Safety - Seeing Is Believing
Red and Near-Infrared (NIR) can be helpful or harmful for the eyes - it all depends on the intensity and context! Read our analysis of industry guidelines for eye safety, and take extra care to protect your eyes!
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- belt
- best red light
- biphasic dose response
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- blue blocking
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- bright light therapy
- campfire
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- cheap red light therapy
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- cold therapy
- cold thermogenesis
- cryotherapy
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- dose
- dosing
- electric field
- electromagnetic frequency
- electromagnetic hypersensitivity
- electromagnetic spectrum
- elf
- emf
- erthema
- eye
- eyes
- far away
- fire
- flexible
- flexible red light therapy
- flicker
- full body red light therapy
- hamblin
- health
- heat
- heat lamp
- heat rash
- hormones
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- hyperpigmentation
- incandescant
- incandescent bulbs
- infrared
- intensity
- irradiance
- laser power meter
- LED bulbs
- light
- light bulb
- light bulbs sleep
- light therapy
- low blue lights
- magnetic field
- measurement
- mechanisms
- minutes
- mood
- near infrared
- near-infrared
- nnemf
- no blue light
- nogier
- pad
- pain relief
- parkinsons
- penetraion
- penetration
- photobiomodulation
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- pulse
- red
- red light bulb
- red light panel
- red light sleep
- red light therapy
- redlighttherapy
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- sadness
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- sauna
- scam
- seconds
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- solar power meter
- spanish flu
- spectrum
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- sun
- sunburn
- sunlight
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- testicles
- testosterone
- thyroid
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- tissue optics
- vig1000
- vitamin d
- wattage
- watts
- wavelength
- wavelengths
- white lights
- winter
- winter blues
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