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Is Red Light Therapy a Scam? LLLT and PBM are legitimately rooted in science and shown to be beneficial. Unfortunately, as in any industry, some companies may be crossing the line. Especially when it comes to false intensity measurements and medical claims. Is there still time for these companies to correct their ways?

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cancer, photobiomodulation, psoriasis, red light therapy, spanish flu, sunlight, sunrise, sunset, vitamin d -

Sunlight contains the full spectrum of wavelengths ranging from UV to Infrared! Obviously it contains Red and Near-Infrared (NIR) wavelengths too, so does that mean it offers the same benefits of Red Light Panels? We look into the research about the benefits of sunlight, and finally give a practical comparison of Sunlight versus Red Light Therapy panels.

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belt, emf, flexible, flexible red light therapy, pad, pain relief, photobiomodulation, red light therapy, wrap -

What is the best flexible red light therapy LED pad on the market? We take a look at some of the most affordable and commonly available LED pads on the market and test them for you! Why Flexible LED Pads? They are lightweight and convenient and can be wrapped right on the skin. We test intensity, wavelengths, EMFs, and heat safety to determine which ones are the best. And we give some important hacks to reduce EMF!

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intensity, irradiance, photobiomodulation, power, red light therapy, watts -

When shopping for Red Light Therapy panels, the most prominent feature is becoming the Watts (W). Many red light panel companies are now simply naming their panels by the number of Watts.  Should you get the 45W, 300W, 450W, 600W, 900W, or 1500W model from certain brands? What are Watts and what does it mean?  Is a panel with 5 Watt LEDs better than one with 3 Watt LEDs? Lets first understand the meaning of Watts in red light therapy, and then how to choose the right amount of Watts. What is a Watt? A Watt is a unit of...

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dosage, dose, minutes, photobiomodulation, red light panel, red light therapy, seconds, time -

How long should you use red light therapy? We know that the amount of time is connected to the dose of photobiomoduation. Which is critical to proper use and effectiveness. But we think that time plays a much bigger role in effectiveness than you are being told. A quick recap, here is the simple formula for red light therapy dosing. Dose (J/cm^2) = Intensity (mW/cm^2) ÷ 1000 * Time (Seconds) Theoretically, we could just focus what we call the dose. Two-Dimensional Dosing Theory: The dose relates to the biological effect of red light therapy. Too little dose gets no response....

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