photobiomodulation RSS
How Do You Properly Measure Intensity of Red Light Therapy? - Affordable and Accurate Power Meters
How do you properly measure intensity, power, or watts of a red light therapy panel? For what SHOULD BE a simple measurement, has turned into the biggest scam of the photobiomodulation industry. We set the record straight and recommend affordable laser power meters and 3rd party labs!
The Best NIR Therapy 250 Watt Incandescent Heat Lamps for Pain and DIY Saunas!
What is the best 250 Watt Near-Infrared Incandescent Heat Lamp? NIR Heat Lamps are a very affordable form of Red Light Therapy that have been used therapeutically for many years! But which brand stands out as the best? Update! Check out our new 2023 review of heat lamps with updated testing and analysis! Click the Link Here. As always, we need to test them out to be sure. Although we can call 250W Heat Lamps a form of Red Light Therapy, it does NOT fit the definition of Photobiomodulation. Where PBM is strictly defined to be a non-thermal interaction of...
How Far Away Should You Be From Your Red Light Panel? A History Lesson.
How far away should I be from my red light therapy panel? This blog we dive into one of the most common questions around the red light panel industry, how far away should you be from your light panel?! Most companies talk about being 6 inches away from their panel. But more recently some companies say 4 inches, others use narrow beam angles and might say 12 inches. When Dr. Hamblin was asked "How close do you want to stand or be near one of these devices?" His answer would surprise most people who have been brainwashed by the current...
Wolezek Red Light Therapy Bulb Review from Amazon: Incorrect Intensity, High EMF, High Flicker!
Another day, another disappointing red light therapy product review! This 36W Wolezek Red Light Therapy light bulb offers a super affordable way to start with the benefits of red light therapy. But once again we are disappointed by the much lower intensity than advertised, high flicker, and high EMFs from this light - especially since we have already did a thorough review of a different light bulb on our YouTube channel. At this point it is no surprise that this light bulb false advertises their intensity. It is a systemic issue across nearly all red light panel and bulb manufacturers...
SGrow VIG1000 Red Light Therapy Panel Review from Alibaba
Can you source a professional-grade red light therapy panel directly from Alibaba? At GembaRed we have been skeptical of Alibaba suppliers over the years. We often get high-flicker, high EMF, and falsely advertised irradiance values. Our last review was surprisingly positive about SAIDI light's panels. So we wanted to try out another company that has been aggressivly marketing recently. Sgrow has been popular with people searching for affordable full-body light therapy. So we wanted to test them out to see if they are the real deal, and to help everyone understand the dosing correctly. So we ordered the VIG1000, which...
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