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Red Light Therapy from a Flashlight? Is it possible?
Can we use a red tactical flashlight for red light therapy? Can something so simple and affordable really be a clever biohack for photobiomodulation? Lets test it! We commonly see many popular brands selling what looks like fancy flashlights as red light therapy. Some even get FDA clearance or approval with some pretty impressive claims and specifications. We can also search for "red tactical flashlights" and "infrared tactical flashlights" and find these same wavelengths of 660nm or 850nm in a much more affordable format. These are commonly used for hunting, surveillance, or military. So this begs the question, can we...
GembaRed Wheel Setup Guides
Our GembaRed Wheel offers a great potential value for 660nm LEDs! You get a 5 meter strip with 300 LEDs and 60 Watts consumed power. However, that is all you get, just some LEDs on a strip! There is no plug, no adapter, nothing. Just some bare wires. So lets take a look at some possibilities to set it up. But first lets review the specifications. Since that informs us of what is compatible with. 12V LED strip. This is important because there are 5V, 9V, 12V, 24V and even more standard voltages for strips. So make sure your adapter...
The Solar Power Lie - The Dark Deception of the Red Light Therapy Industry
Have you been duped into buying a high intensity LED panel that claims a suspiciously round number like 100mW/cm^2 at 6 inches? We often see extremely high intensity numbers being advertised, but these numbers are based on improper measurement tools, techniques, and biased rounding. This blog will help to elucidate the greatest bait-n-switch being performed in the red light therapy industry today. One of the most important parameters of red light therapy is indeed the intensity! This is normally described as the power per square area, in units of milliWatts per Square Centimeter (mW/cm^2). This is a physical quantity that...
Proper Red Light Therapy dosing - Contact Method and Skin Reflectance
Red Light Therapy and Heat! Where does it come from?
Red Light Therapy and Heat! Does red light therapy create heat? Well, it depends on several factors and the context. With red and near-infrared LED light devices, heat generation is an important consideration. Heat generation can be caused by 3 main factors: 1. Wavelengths used 2. Intensity of the wavelengths 3. The LED device heating up Heat can affect the user who will feel warming or burning on their skin due to longer wavelengths or high intensity light. Or heat will be produced and contained within the device itself, sometimes needing a fan to keep the LEDs or Laser cool...
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- best red light
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- cheap red light therapy
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- flexible red light therapy
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- full body red light therapy
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- light bulb
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- near-infrared
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- red light sleep
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- redlighttherapy
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- winter blues
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