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What is the best time of day to use Red Light Therapy? We look at the science and evolutionary indications that give us insight as to how to optimize our usage of light therapy.

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beam, beam angle, health, infrared, light, light therapy, photobiomodulation, red light therapy, sun, sunlight, wavelength -

Once you are familiar with all of the important parameters of wavelengths, intensity, flicker, and nnEMF that we cover in previous blog posts, it might be time to dig deeper into what other design choices might be important for Photobiomodulation devices. One interesting topic is the Beam Angle! This describes the angle at which light is emitted from the device. If you can imagine in 3D space, light is being emitted as a kind of semi-spherical cone outward from the light source.  The angle of this cone is important to determine how to best use the device. For example wide...

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5g, electric field, electromagnetic frequency, electromagnetic spectrum, emf, magnetic field, nnemf, red light therapy -

Red Light Therapy devices rely on electricity to produce the benefitial energy for photobiomodulation. As with most appliances, magnetic field, electric fields, or dirty electricity might be produced. We explore the different types of EMF associated with Red Light Therapy and what causes them.

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Red light therapy or Photobiomodulation is the growing rage in alternative health strategies. Can there be any possible downsides? We investigate the nature of flicker, how it originates, and quantify flicker in our GembaRed products better than any other company in the market.

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red light therapy, wavelength, wavelengths -

We outline a data-driven and engineering-focused method to selecting the most ideal wavelengths for Red Light Therapy and Photobiomodulation.

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